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Parallel Universe Series


Plastic Toys, Resin, Motor, Gears, LED lights, Beads

W 65 x H65 x D 18 cm

In her latest works, Yuen continues to explore elements that represents Hong Kong’s history and culture, such as ice-cream motorcycle, street vendors, trams, rickshaws, sampan boats and the demolished Queen’s Pier. Like still frames from old Hong Kong movies, her works bring audiences to a parallel dimension, where some of the faded local cultural elements and currently significant urban characters of today coexist.


“小時候我家住在大埔,每日也會與家人到大排檔共進晚餐-粵語叫做'踎大牌檔',吃飯時小孩都會在旁邊的空地玩耍。每天下課後媽媽會帶我到小排檔吃粥。記憶中的每一個商場,都有它們自己的特色,例如沙田新城市廣場有個獨一無二的音樂噴泉。之後每當你見到音樂噴泉,便會立刻聯想起沙田。記憶中的香港就像一個大家庭,鄰里關係非常好,屋村走廊經過的每家每戶都必定認識。長大後,我仍然希望這些元素能在現今的社區存在,故此我創作了這個平行世界的奇幻城市。 ”

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