Angela Yuen
Land Ho!
Porcelain, “Packed in Hong Kong" tea boxes (1910s - 1970s), "Made in Hong Kong" plastic products (1950s - 1980s), "Made in China" plastic products (1980s - 1990s), motors, gears, LED lights
香港三面環海,曾是海上絲網之路的重要中轉站。一艘以光影與現成物交織而成的超時空商船,承載着歷史悠久的瓷器以及從清末至現代香港出口的商品,包括1910至1970年代由香港包裝的茶葉盒、1950 至1980年代於香港製造的塑膠製品等。各式各樣的商品記錄着香港不同年代的故事、艱辛和希望,交疊出香港不同年代的面貌;它們的剪影在牆上勾勒出大大小小的香港歷史建築,與香港藝術館外的維港景色相呼應。城市面貌經歷過百年發展,不斷變,就如商船的旋轉機械組件般無休止地運行。
透過一樓展廳特設的望遠鏡,觀眾可以細看作品裡更多的歷史印記,感受水手歷經艱辛航行後發現陸地的興奮。一聲「Lond Ho!」,激起前行的決心和對未來的期盼,續寫香港故事。
Surrounded by the sea on three sides, Hong Kong was once a transit point along the Silk Road. A time-travelling merchant ship was assembled from found objects with light and shadow, which carried porcelains and export products from Hong Kong from the late Qing period to the present day, including locally-packed tea boxes from the 1910s to the 1970s and plastics manufactured in Hong Kong between the 1950s and 1980s. Each object carries the story of hardships and hopes from the city through the ages. Their shadows project silhouettes of Hong Kong's skylines on the wall, showing the changing face of the city through the years while echoing the spectacular harbour view outside the museum. The city is constantly evolving - unstoppable just as a ship is sailing in the sea.
Peep through the telescope from 1/F gallery and see the artwork in detail, just as the sailors got excited when discovering land after a long and arduous voyage. With a cry of "Land Ho!" from the sailor, it ignites in us the determination to move forward and the hope for a better tomorrow.